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About Us

The company was founded in 1998 under the leadership of Béla Pintér, who stages his own plays and performs in them as an actor.”

It is the artists’ intention to create contemporary productions based on critical-ironic observations of society and themselves. The surreal world which generally characterises their productions is constructed from a combination of reality and dream, of authentic and kitsch, and from sundry elements of Hungarian culture. Thanks to their success, the company is nowadays regarded as one of the most significant and most inventive creative workshops.

Repertory of the Company

2021 Marshal Fifty-Six
2020 Vérvörös Törtfehér Méregzöld
2019 The Glimmer in Mom’s Eye
2019 Jubilee Talks
2017 Tamás Ascher in Háromszék
2017 Till heartbreak
2015 Pheasant Dance
2013 Our Secrets
2012 The 42nd Week
2011 Kaisers TV, Ungarn
2010 Brilliant Second-Rate
2010 Muck
2009 Parallel Dimension
2009 Never to Return Again
2008 Children of the Demon
2007 The Madwoman, the Doctor, the Disciples and the Devil
2007 Lonely Star
2006 Korčula
2005 My Mother’s Nose
2004 The Queen of the Cookies
2003 Dievoushka
2002 Peasant Opera
2001 Drink and Die (closed)
2000 The Gate to Nowhere or Jeff Hove is Witless
1999 Hospital-Bakony
1998 Common Bondage (closed)

Festivals, awards and other performances:

Till Heartbreak
Theatre Critics’ Award, Hungary, 2017, Best Supporting Actor: Zoltán Friedenthal – 2017
Thealter Festival, Hungary 2017, Audience Award – Most Popular Production – 2017

Tamás Ascher in Háromszék
Theatre Critics’ Award, Hungary, 2017, Best Supporting Actress: Adél Jordán – 2017

Pheasant Dance

61st Serijino Pozorje Festival, Novi Sad, Serbia – 2016

Our Secrets

40. Fadil Hadži Days of Satire Festival – 2016
55th International Theater Festival Mess, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina – 2015
Dunapart3 Hungarian Showcase of Contemporary Performing Arts, Budapest, Hungary – 2015
Santarcangelo Theatre Festival, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Rimini, Italy – 2015
Transitions 3 Central Europe Festival, Athens, Greece – 2015
euro-scene Leipzig – Leipzig, German – 2015
Reflex International Theatre Festiva – Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania – 2015
Desiré Central Station – Contemporary Theatre Festival, Subotica, Serbia – 2014
9. Festivals Politik im Freien Theater, Freiburg, 2014
Maribor Theater Festival, Slovenia – 2014
Theaterfestival Basel, Switzerland – 2014
“New Plays from Europe” Theatre-Biennale of Staatstheater Wiesbaden, 2014
Festival Theaterformen – Braunschweig, 2014
TESZT – Timisoara, 2014
Wiener Festwochen, Vienna, 2014
„Leaving is not an option?”HAU, Berlin, 2014
Dimitria Festival, Thessaloniki, 2017

Theatre Critics’ Award, Hungary 2014 Best Production & Hungary’s best new drama
VIDOR Festival, Nyíregyháza, Hungary 2014 Best Production
40. Fadil Hadži Days of Satire Festival – 2016 Best Production / Best Text / Best Actor: Angéla Stefanovics

The 42nd Week

International Festival THEATRE Pilsen, Czech Republic -2013

Theatre Critics’ Award, Hungary 2013 Best Actress: Eszter Csákányi
VIDOR Festival, Nyíregyháza, Hungary 2013 Best Production Best Actress: Eszter Csákányi

Kaisers TV, Ungarn

DIVADELNÁ NITRA, International Theater Festival, Nitra, Slovakia – 2014
TESZT, Euroregional Theatre Festival Timișoara, Romania – 2013
Desiré Central Station – Contemporary Theatre Festival, Szabadka/Subotica, Serbia – 2011

Theatre Critics’ Award, Hungary 2012 Best Independent Production of the Season
Best Supporting Actress: Angéla Stefanovics
VIDOR Festival, Nyíregyháza, Hungary 2012 Best Production


12. Stuttgarter Europa Theater Treffen, Stuttgart, Germany – 2014
International Theatre Forum TEART Minsk, Belarus – 2013
Norderzon Performing Arts Festival, Groningen, The Netherlands – 2012
Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Zürich, Switzerland -2012
New Plays from Europe, Mainz, Germany – 2012
Kontakt Festival, Torun, Poland – 2012
Espoon KaupunginTeatteri, Helsinki, Finland – 2012
Desiré Central Station – Contemporary Theatre Festival, Szabadka/Subotica, Serbia – 2011
Schlachthaus Theater Bern, Switzerland – 2011
Internationales Theaterfestival THEATERFORMEN in Hannover, Germany – 2011
International Theatre Festival Divadelna, Nitra, Slovakia – 2010

POSZT-Pécs National Theatre Festival, Hungary 2011 Best Script Award: Béla Pintér
Best Actress: Zsófia Szamosi
Best Supporting Actress: Éva Enyedi

Never To Return Again

Theater Tri-bühne, Suttgart, Germany – 2010
Karlsruhe, Mülheim, Dortmund, Germany – 2010

Children of the Demon

Theater der Welt Mülheim an der Ruhr and Essen, Germany – 2010
Theatre Passages, Nancy, France – 2009

POSZT-Pécs National Theatre Festival, Hungary 2008 Best Actor: Béla Pintér

The Madwoman, the Doctor, the Disciples and the Devil

Teatro Maria Matos, Lisboa, Portugal – 2010
Rotterdamse Schouwburg, Rotterdam, The Netherlands – 2008
Kunstenfestivaldesartes, Brussels, Belgium – 2008

My Mother’s Nose

Bellouard Bollwerk International Festival, Fribourg, Switzerland – 2007
Kunstenfestivaldesartes, Brussels, Belgium – 2006
Teatro Central, Sevilla, Spain – 2006
Laokoon Festival, Hamburg, Germany – 2006

Theatre Critics’ Award, Hungary 2006 Best Independent Production of the Season
POSZT-Pécs National Theatre Festival, Hungary 2006 Best Production of the Year


East Winds Festival, Theatre du Nord,Lille, France – 2009
Hungarian Institute in Helsinki, Finland – 2008
Theatre Passages, Nancy, France – 2007
Opened at Eurokaz Festival in Zagreb, Croatia – 2006

The Queen of the Cookies

International Theatre Festival Divadelna, Nitra, Slovakia – 2007

Theatre Critics’ Award, Hungary 2005 Best Independent Production of the Season
POSZT-Pécs National Theatre Festival, Hungary 2005 The Expert Jury’s Special Award for the Best Ensemble


Espoon Kaupungin Teatteri, Helsinki, Finland – 2010
Desiré Central Station, International Theatre Festival, Subotica/Szabadka, Serbia – 2009
Euro-Scene, Festival of Europien Contemporary Arts, Leipzig, Germany – 2006
Reward Nomination – Spielzeiteuropa-Werkpreis, Berliner Festspiele, Berlin, Germany – 2004

International Small Scene Festival, Rijeka 2009 Best Set Design
Best Costume Design
Best Music
Special Award for a New Breakthrough in the Theatre Presentation

Peasant Opera

BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium – 2011
Teatro Maria Matos, Lisboa, Portugal – 2010
Lincoln Center Festival, New York, USA – 2009
Festival Transamériques, Montreal, Canada – 2009
Grand Theatre de Dijon, Dijon, France – 2009
Die Besten aus dem Osten Festival, Wien, Austria – 2009
Spielstätte des Folks Theater Hundsturm, Wien, Austria – 2008
Festival d’Automne, Paris, France – 2008
Theatre Passages, Nancy, France – 2007
Central European Theatre Festival, Theater Brett, Wien, Austria – 2006
Sterijino Pozorje Festival, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia – 2006
Bellouard Bollwerk International Festival, Fribourg, Switzerland – 2005
Eurokaz Festival, Zagreb, Croatia – 2005
Theater der Welt Festival, Stuttgart, Germany – 2005
Hungarofest, Meyerhold Theatre, Moscow, Russia – 2005
Hungary in Focus, Paradise Regained: Arnhem, Groningen, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands – 2004
Pilsen International Theatre Festival, Pilsen, Czechia – 2004
Exponto International Theatre Festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia – 2004
Magyar Magic Season, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Wales, UK – 2004

Kontakt International Theatre Festival, Torun, Poland, 2005 Award for the Renewal of Theatre Language
Best Music Award
Theatre Critics’ Award 2002, Hungary The Best Musical Production of the Year
VIDOR Festival, Nyíregyháza, Hungary 2002 “Best Concordance” Award for Overall Stage Production

Drink and Die

Award from the Committee of Budapest City Council, Hungary
Best Actor of the Season: Szabolcs Thuróczy

The Gate to Nowhere or Jeff Hove is Witless

VIDOR Festival, Nyíregyháza, Hungary 2002 Best Direction: Béla Pintér
Best Supporting Actor: Tamás Deák
Best Set Design:Péter Horgas, Gábor Tamás
Theatre Critics’ Award, Hungary 2001 Best Independent Production of the Season
Award of the City of Budapest, Hungary 2001 Best Independent Company
7th Independent Theatre Festival, Hungary 2000 Audience Award


Heidelberger Stückemarkt, Heidelberg, Germany – 2005

International Small Scene Theatre Festival, Rijeka, Croatia, 2004 Best Dramaturg
Theatre Critics’ Award, Hungary 2000 Best Independent Production of the Season
Award of the City of Budapest, Hungary 2000 Best Independent Company
6th Independent Theatre Festival, Hungary 2000 Grand Prize

Common Bondage

VIDOR Festival, Nyíregyháza, Hungary 2004 Best Production
4. Teatarfest, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2001 Best Production
4. Teatarfest, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2001 Best Director
5th Independent Theatre Festival, Hungary 2000 Grand Prize
Theatre Critics’ Award, Hungary 1999 Best Independent Production of the Season

Anna Jékely

production manager
Tel: +36 30 692 44 52
Mail: anna.jekely@pbest.hu

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